
Natural Gas Safety Tips

Natural Gas Safety Tips

How Can I Keep My Gas Appliance Safe?

Follow manufacturer instructions when operating appliances. Keep all appliance user manuals together in one convenient location.

You can perform some routine maintenance on your gas appliances yourself in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications. But repairs, installations and disconnections are jobs for qualified service people. When in doubt, call your appliance repair service provider or heating/plumbing contractor for advice. You can find one in the Yellow Pages under “Appliances” or “Heating.”

What Do I Do if My Gas Service Has Been Flooded?

  • If your appliances have been in contact with water, please contact a plumbing or heating contractor to make sure the appliance is safe to operate.
  • If we have shut your gas service off for safety reasons, please contact Pensacola Energy.

What Should I Do If I Smell Natural Gas?

Most people are familiar with the distinctive “pungent odor” aroma added to natural gas. We add this odor (mercaptan) so that it’s easy to detect. If you smell gas in your home, or suspect a gas leak, leave immediately, and from a safe location call Pensacola Energy Emergency Services at 850-474-5300 right away. Smell gas outdoors? Leave the area immediately and call Pensacola Energy Emergency Services at 850-474-5300 and tell us the exact street location and cross streets. We’re here 365 days a year to serve you.

If you smell gas, please follow these steps:

  • Leave the building immediately, taking all occupants and pets. From a safe location, call Pensacola Energy at 850-474-5300 right away.
  • Leave doors and windows open; but do not re-enter the building to do so.
  • Don’t use phones, computers, appliances, elevators, garage door openers, touch electrical outlets, switches, doorbells, smoke or use an open flame.
  • Don’t position or operate vehicles or power equipment where leaking gas may be present.

If the odor of gas is strong, don’t use your telephone, including your cell phone. All occupants should leave the building immediately. Then, call Pensacola Energy from a nearby phone.

Every day, natural gas pipelines safely carry one of the world’s most efficient, reliable and environmentally friendly fuels to businesses, homes and neighbors like you. Preventing pipeline emergencies is important to employees of natural gas companies like ours. Because we are part of your community and are your neighbors, too.

For our customers and everybody who lives or works near our piplines…
For excavators, including anyone digging on public or private property…
For emergency and public officials…

Did You Know You Can Help Prevent Natural Gas Pipeline Emergencies?

Know what’s below. Call 811 before you dig.

If you plan to excavate, dig, bore or tunnel in a location where a buried gas line may be, please call 811 or Sunshine State One-Call of Florida at 1-800-432-4770. Call between the hours of 6am – 5pm, Monday – Friday, and at least 48 hours before starting the proposed work.

Whether you’re planting trees or shrubs, building a deck, installing a fence or mailbox post, be safe and call 811 before you dig. If there are buried natural gas facilities in the path of your activity, an Pensacola Energy representative will be notified to mark the location of the facilities at no expense to you.

Gas pipes


Maintain Your Buried Gas Piping

If you have buried natural gas piping for a generator, pool heater, workshop, or other use on your property, then you should have this underground piping checked periodically to ensure that it does not corrode and/or leak. Underground gas piping between the gas meter and a home or building is the maintenance responsibility of the homeowner or building owner. We advise using a licensed gas contractor to assist in locating, inspecting, and if necessary, immediately repairing any buried gas piping. If you have any questions, please call Pensacola Energy at 850-436-5050. (You may disregard this notice if you do not have buried gas piping beyond the gas meter.)

You Can Help Prevent Natural Gas Pipeline Emergencies

Though natural gas pipeline incidents are uncommon, you should know their telltale signs.

  • Look. Blowing dirt, bubbling creeks or ponds, dry spots in moist areas or dead plants surrounded by live, green plants may indicate a natural gas leak.
  • Listen. Near a gas appliance or line, there may be a hissing sound when natural gas is leaking.
  • Smell. Stay alert for the distinctive, rotten-egg-like smell of natural gas. You should take action anytime you detect even a small amount of this odor in the air.
  • If you smell gas or suspect a gas leak, call Pensacola Energy Emergency Services at 850-474-5300.

What is Carbon Monoxide?

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a normal by-product of fuel combustion, but high levels of it indoors can be dangerous to your health. Typical heating fuels (oil, coal, wood, gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel or natural gas) can create carbon monoxide.

Carbon monoxide can build up to a dangerous level if a fuel-burning appliance isn’t operating properly or is not safely venting fuel combustion by-products.

All fuel-burning appliances need air for safe and efficient combustion to take place. Without sufficient fresh air, harmful levels of carbon monoxide may occur.

Running a vehicle inside a garage is the most common carbon monoxide danger. But during the heating season, when fresh air circulation is reduced, it’s especially important to prevent carbon monoxide buildup indoors.

Portable combustion engine generators should not be operated indoors to prevent the buildup of carbon monoxide.

How Can Carbon Monoxide Be Dangerous?

Carbon monoxide has no odor, no color and no taste. Because it combines with the body’s blood and prevents it from absorbing oxygen, carbon monoxide can cause serious illness and, in extreme cases, can even be fatal.

How Can I Identify Carbon Monoxide Problems?

Indicators of high levels of carbon monoxide in the home can include extremely stuffy, stale air or water condensation dripping on the inside of windows.

Symptoms of carbon monoxide exposure can include headaches, nausea, dizziness, coughing, ringing in the ears, spots before the eyes and reddened skin color.

If you notice any of these warning signs, get outside to fresh air and get to the doctor immediately.

A CO alarm may be the best way to detect the presence of carbon monoxide. It is recommended that the alarm be marked “UL 2034,” indicating that it meets the widely accepted standards set by Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc. (UL). It is best to install CO alarms near bedrooms. CO alarms must be maintained in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications to avoid false alarms and other operational problems.

How Can I Prevent Carbon Monoxide Problems?

  • Keep your chimney and vent piping clean. Have your chimney, heating system and water heater flue vent piping inspected regularly and cleaned by a professional when necessary.
  • Install and properly maintain one or more CO alarms near bedrooms. Be sure the alarm is certified according to the “UL 2034” standard.
  • NEVER burn wood or coal in an indoor area without proper venting. Portable gas and charcoal grills intended for outside use should never be used indoor or even inside an open garage.
  • NEVER use your gas range to heat your apartment or house. Your range’s oven and top burners are designed to cook your food, NOT to heat your home. Prolonged use can reduce oxygen levels in the home and contribute to excessive levels of carbon monoxide.

If you suspect a carbon monoxide problem, leave the building immediately to get fresh air. Then call 911.

Water heater control valve


Using Natural Gas Wisely

To save energy and money, set the temperature on your water heater to 120 degrees, or no higher than necessary. Be aware that higher temperatures may cause scalding, and the risk of scalding is greater for children and the elderly. Make sure your water heater is set to a safe temperature. Check the water temperature before placing a child in the bathtub, and never leave a child alone or with other young children in the bathtub.


Check Your Gas Connections

If you have natural gas appliances, the gas connectors need to be inspected regularly and replaced as needed. Certain kinds of flexible connectors manufactured between 1970 and 1980 may fail over time and need to be replaced. An uncoated brass gas appliance connector may have this flaw and should be replaced with a new stainless steel connector.

Here are some guidelines to follow to help keep your family and home safe:

  • Do not move your gas appliances to check the connectors yourself – stressing connectors can cause them to crack and leak.
  • Only a qualified, licensed, gas contractor should check your connector and replace it.
  • Avoid repeated use of cleaning solutions or insect sprays around appliance connectors – these solutions can cause corrosion.
  • Do not allow wiring or other objects to touch the connector.
  • Connectors should always be replaced whenever an appliance is replaced or moved from its location.

Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing (CSST)

Do you have this natural gas piping product installed in your home or business? CSST is a flexible, stainless steel pipe used to supply natural gas in residential, commercial and industrial structures. CSST is often coasted with a yellow, or in some cases, a black exterior plastic coating.

CSST should NOT be confused with flexible natural gas appliance connectors – the product that joins an appliance to your home or building’s natural gas supply line. Flexible connectors attach directly to the gas appliance from the wall or floor; while CSST is usually routed on top of ceiling joists in attic spaces, or beneath, through and alongside floor joists in basements, and inside interior wall cavities.

Be aware that lightning can strike a structure containing CSST and pose a risk of traveling through the structure’s natural gas piping system and causing a gas leak or fire in some cases.

If work has been performed on the natural gas piping system in your home or business since 1990, check to see if CSST was installed. If you’re unsure as to whether or not CSST was installed in your home or business, contact the company that performed the gas piping work for information or to arrange for a professional inspection.

If you find CSST after the inspection, then it’s recommended that you contact a qualified, licensed electrician. A bonding device should be installed on your natural gas system in order to reduce the chances of a natural gas leak or fire.

Remember, CSST has the potential to leak if your home or business is struck by lightning and the CSST is not properly bonded and grounded.

Flammable Ignition Awareness

Gasoline and other flammable liquids can be dangerous if not handled or stored safely. Never use them indoors, always store in an approved container, and away from children.

  • Keep gasoline and other flammable liquids away from children.
  • Never use gasoline or other flammable liquids indoors or in the same room or area as a natural gas appliance or other ignition source.
  • Keep gasoline ONLY in an approved gasoline container, make sure the container is tightly sealed, stored in a cool place, on a high shelf, and away from the house if possible.
  • Talk to your children about the dangers of flammable liquid products.

Don’t Risk Breaking the Law – Call Before You Dig.

It’s a fact: Excavation work is the most common cause of natural gas pipeline emergencies. Before excavating, call Sunshine State One Call of Florida at 811 when calling from Florida and 1-800-432-4770 when calling from outside Florida, so utility lines can be professionally marked prior to digging. Both the call and the service are free.

What is carbon monoxide?

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a poisonous gas that is colorless, odorless, tasteless and non-irritating. When breathed into the body, CO combines with the blood and prevents it from absorbing oxygen. When this oxygen-deficient blood reaches the heart and brain, it can damage those organs and cause illness or death.

How can I tell if CO is present?

There are several physical symptoms of CO poisoning, which vary depending on the amount of CO in the bloodstream (the higher the concentration, the greater the danger). Additionally, signs of CO present in a building can include unusually high indoor humidity with persistent heavy condensation on walls and windows, stuffy or stale indoor air, and soot or water collecting near a burner or vent.

Physical signs of exposure

Mild exposure:

  • Slight headache
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue

Medium exposure:

  • Drowsiness
  • Confusion
  • Severe headache
  • Rapid heart rate

Severe exposure:

  • Convulsions
  • Unconsciousness
  • Cardiac/respiratory arrest
  • Even death

Flu-like symptoms that disappear when the person breaths fresh air.

Severity of the physical symptoms will vary depending on age, general health, level of physical activity, and duration and concentration of exposure.

What is the treatment for CO poisoning?

  • Treat with fresh air or pure oxygen.
  • Severe exposure requires medical attention.

What are the sources of CO?

Usually CO is produced while burning fuels like gasoline, coal, wood, charcoal, kerosene, natural gas, propane and heating oil, as well as almost any other combustible material such as tobacco, fibers or paper. There is an even greater risk of CO accumulation if your home or building is tightly sealed and not properly ventilated. While smoke inhalation from fires is a common cause of CO poisoning, cigarette smoke and vehicle exhaust are the most common sources of CO exposure.

If your home or building has an attached or tucked-under garage, air and any pollutants in the air may flow from the garage into the structure. So, if you leave a car or other combustion engine running inside the garage, or if an air intake duct is located next to a heavily traveled road or near a loading dock, CO can accumulate.

Any fuel-burning equipment or appliances, including wood stoves, fireplaces, space heaters, barbecue grills, furnaces, water heaters, boilers and ranges, have the potential to produce CO. When natural gas equipment is properly operated and maintained, it usually will not produce CO.

Why does CO accumulate and not escape through the chimney?

CO usually forms when fuel-burning appliances and equipment are malfunctioning or improperly maintained. Normally, when adequate combustion air is available and the appliance is properly installed and maintained, all gases and other combustion by-products will be harmlessly vented to the outdoors.

Homes and other buildings that are tightly sealed or have large exhaust systems, such as kitchen exhaust fans, need a system that provides air to replace the air that is pulled out by the exhaust. Without adequate make-up air, air from the outside can be pulled down a chimney and cause CO to form.

What do I do if I suspect CO is present?

  1. Open windows to ventilate the area.
  2. Shut off your furnace and other fuel-burning appliances.
  3. If you’re experiencing physical symptoms, get everyone, including pets, out of your home or building.
  4. If you have an attached garage, open the largest garage door.
  5. If you suspect problems with your appliances, call your gas appliance dealer.
  6. If CO is discovered, don’t return to your home or building until the source is found and the problem corrected.


If I smell natural gas, is that the same as CO?

No. CO has no smell. When you smell natural gas, you smell an odorant we add to natural gas for safety reasons. If you smell natural gas, leave your home immediately and call Pensacola Emergency Services at 850-474-5300 from a safe location.


How do I prevent CO buildup?

  • Never operate an automobile, lawn mower, generator or any combustion engine, or barbecue grill or similar equipment, in an enclosed area such as your home, garage, tent, trailer or place of business, even with the door open.
  • Never leave a fire smoldering in a fireplace.
  • Have fuel-burning equipment regularly checked by a qualified technician (most manufacturers recommend annual check-ups).
  • Check frequently for visible signs of problems, such as high indoor humidity, or soot or water collecting near a burner or vent.
  • Equipment that uses natural gas should produce a clear blue flame. A yellow or orange flame may indicate a problem, and equipment should be checked by a qualified technician.
  • Provide adequate combustion air for all your appliances by avoiding too many appliances vented to one vent pipe.
  • Make sure your fresh air intake(s) is unobstructed.
  • Be certain all fuel-burning appliances and equipment are properly vented to the outdoors.
  • Keep vents and chimneys clear of debris or other obstruction and check for vent pipes that have gaps, leaks, spaces or are rusted through.
  • If you use a gas space heater that is unvented, leave a nearby window open at least an inch to allow fresh air to enter the room.
  • Have your gas central heating unit checked before the heating season begins to make sure the heat exchanger is not cracked or rusted and that the burner area is clean.
  • Never attempt to heat a room with a natural gas range, oven or clothes dryer.
  • If you have equipment converted from one type of fuel to another, have the conversion done by a qualified technician. You can purchase a CO detection device with an audible alarm and a digital display, installed near bedrooms, that can provide added protection. Make sure it is IAS-6-96 approved or meets the Underwriters Laboratories Standard 2034. Look for the “UL” stamp on the box, and carefully follow the manufacturer’s directions for operation, placement and maintenance.

Know the Signs of a Pipeline Leak

The best way to recognize a pipeline leak is by using your eyes, ears and nose.

Look – Persistent bubbling in standing water or discolored vegetation are signs of a possible leak around the pipeline area. A pool of liquid on the ground, a dense white cloud or fog, a slight mist of ice, or unexplained frozen ground near the pipeline are also signs of a possible leak.

Listen – for any unusual noise like a hissing or roaring sound.

Smell – Notice any strange or unusual odor (the products will have a petroleum odor or smell like rotten eggs).

Some gases are odorless, and odorant cannot always be added. It is important to use your ears and eyes as well as your nose to recognize a potential problem.

What to do if you smell natural gas INSIDE your home or building:

Step 1: Leave immediately. Do not use electric switches, telephones (including cell phones) or anything that could cause a spark.

Step 2: Go directly to a safe location, and then call Pensacola Energy Emergency Services at 850-474-5300. Do not use e-mail or the Internet to contact the company about a leak, and never assume someone else has reported the leak.

Step 3: Alert your neighbors. Pensacola Energy checks suspected natural gas leaks at no cost to you.

Step 4: Never try to repair a natural gas leak yourself. Leave all repairs to a trained technician.

OUTSIDE your home or building:

Step 1: Leave immediately. Do not use electric switches, telephones (including cell phones) or anything that could cause a spark. Move in a crosswind direction away from the leak or vapor cloud and maintain a safe distance.

Step 2: Go directly to a safe location, and then call Pensacola Energy Emergency Services at 850-474-5300.

Step 3: Warn others to stay away from the leak. Abandon any equipment being used in or near the area.

For more information on natural gas safety, tour our natural gas safety section by navigating through the links on the left.