

Natural Gas Vehicles

Natural Gas Vehicles

Fact: The United States has larger reserves of natural gas than Saudi Arabia does oil.

Fact: Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is less expensive than gasoline or diesel fuel and its costs are rising at a slower rate than that of other fossil fuels.

Fact: CNG, composed largely of methane, is an odorless, tasteless, colorless gas.

Fact: Harmful emissions from CNG-fueled engines are up to 90 percent less than those from gasoline or diesel engines.

  1. American Natural Gas Alliance
  2. U.S. Department of Energy
  3. American Gas Association
  4. American Gas Association, U.S. Department of Energy


Few alternative fuels offer the distinct and unquestionable advantages of natural gas. Natural gas is widely available, renewable (through the production of biogas or biomethane), offers greenhouse gas reductions, and produces fewer emissions compared to other traditional and alternative fuels. The use of natural gas vehicles also facilitates energy security and energy diversity.


Strict safety standards make CNG vehicles as safe as gasoline-powered vehicles, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. In the event of a spill or accidental release, CNG poses no threat to land or water, as it is nontoxic. It also disperses rapidly, minimizing ignition risk when compared to gasoline. And natural gas, which is lighter than air, will not pool as a liquid or vapor.

Consumer Use

Though most natural gas used today is a fossil fuel extracted from deposits found deep within the earth, a growing amount of natural gas produced from landfills, sewage plants and agricultural waste (referred to as bio-gas or bio-methane) is being utilized.

For more information about CNG and fleet operations, check out these links: